Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just Another Day

The other day I drove mother to the PGH on her routine checkup. As I was waiting at the garden area of the hospital reading my favorite Women’s magazine, an older woman in her late sixties sat beside me, interrupted and started talking to me. Our conversation went by the usual gesture kumusta na. She talked about herself, life, her family, and her older sister who is suffering from diabetes. Her sister being seen at the hospital that day is in the mid seventies, had been a diabetic patient since her early age, and lately had lost her remaining leg due to diabetes. Then she took some kind of bottle from her bag and humbly told me how that bottle of medicine has been helping her sister out in healing the wounds from the amputated leg. She said ever since her sister started drinking the bottle of medicine, the healing of the wounds was faster and some cuts dried very quickly. She even decided to give me one bottle and I was thankful for it. At first I didn’t bother to take. I know how costly the medicine is nowadays considering how effective it is. May be I could refer this to my mother, too. By the way, the bottle labeled KaReyHerrera, a herbal medicine. I mentioned around neighbors and sure enough, they are familiar with the brand name.
Come to think of some unexpected events in our life. Meeting people from different walks of life not only signals a purpose. There are reasons for them coming into our life. I felt blessed for getting that chance.

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